Idan found a good deal for a different hotel room for tonight, using so we checked out of our room, and headed out to the nearby Lake of the Stars outfitters. They have a very nice room for hikers, with snacks and coffee, and they give you sodas, and a lot of information about the town, and a list of local trail angels.

Barbra's home made cookies
Barbra's home made cookies
My birthday cake
My birthday cake

We got all out packages there. I had a package from my wife’s aunt, who lives in Florida, and was very glad to find a chocolate krantz cake and candles, for my upcoming birthday - thank you very much, Hanna!. I lit the candles, and other hikers sang “happy birthday” to me, before I blew them out. Everyone were very impressed by the cake, and each new hiker that came into the store got a piece.

We also got a care package from Barbra, who took us a ride just after Wrightwood. It had a lot of very good home made cookies. We also shared them with the hikers in the store, and got some with us to the room. Thanks, Barbra.

We met Big Boots over there, and he got a room at a different hotel with Aqua Man and Pound Cake. We talked about going to some buffet for lunch and/or dinner, but at the end we didn’t meet up.

Idan and bought supplies for the next section, and for three packages we intend to send to Sierra City, Old Station and Seiad Valley. It was a logistical nightmare, to get everything organized.

I got takeaway lunch from an Indian restaurant across the street. Met Rocket Llama inside, which seemed very content by their lunch buffet, and generally by Tahoe. She took 5 zeroes in here, and will probably only leave tomorrow. We also met Medicine Man, who stayed in town for 9 days now. I don’t know why.

For dinner, we got domino’s. I managed to fumble with their app, and got a pizza with no cheese. What an idiot… I will buy some cheese tomorrow, and put it in the microwave…